High risk top disease

Elham M.

This map shows prevalence (number of individuals currently diagnosed with this condition) of diabetes, cancer and stroke divided by the total population of that given area. Diabetes is chronic condition which has many long term consequences such as kidney disease and ulcers. The prevalence is increasing especially due to obesity and in African American population and Hispanics. Cancer is one of the leading causes of death worldwide some cancers are increasing in the prevalence due to changes in lifestyle and diet. Stroke is leading cause of disability in US, Most cases can be monitored and prevented by medication and lifestyle modifications. Risk is related to many other conditions such as high blood pressure and diabetes.

Gas vs. Electricity usage in Chicago Neighborhoods

Emily W.

This map aims to see if some communities use more gas than electricity or vice versa. Most communities use gas and electricity proportionally, but some use one resource more than the other. By looking at the areas that have differences in energy usage, one can start to ask questions about individual communities' energy use.


Data Sources

  • https://data.cityofchicago.org/Environment-Sustainable-Development/Average-Gas-Usage-per-Square-Foot-by-Community-Are/jp7r-k6h2 https://data.cityofchicago.org/Community-Economic-Development/Boundaries-Zoning-Districts-current-/7cve-jgbp
  • https://data.cityofchicago.org/Environment-Sustainable-Development/Average-Electricity-Usage-per-Square-Foot-by-Commu/usfg-z9mx

High Grades, Schools or Drugs?

Cady Rodney

Within the city of Chicago, drug use remains a major problem. Drug offenders include not only older adults but young students also. The 660 Chicago Public Schools are represented by orange dots on this map. Blue dots signify drug offenses and their locations for the year of 2015. Large clusters of blue dots are seen in the south and west of Chicago but also significantly very close to the school areas. Police districts are shown in green and separated by white lines. At the extreme northern and extreme southern ends of Chicago, there are less drug offenses. Does this have any correlation to the police districts or any other factors? In studying the patterns of drug offenses, we may be able to reduce and ultimately eliminate the problem of drug usage and trafficking in Chicago Public Schools.

Data Sources

  • https://data.cityofchicago.org/Public-Safety/Crimes-2015/vwwp-7yr9

  • https://data.cityofchicago.org/Education/Chicago-Public-Schools-School-Locations-SY1415/3fhj-xtn5
  •  https://data.cityofchicago.org/Public-Safety/Boundaries-Police-Districts-current-/fthy-xz3r

Drugs vs ACT Scores

Eldon Nakagawa

The map is divided by districts in Chicago, where each district's color is representative of their average ACT Scores from public high schools in that district. The black dots correspond to narcotic crimes from 2001 to 2016.